Tag: TBT
Mentally Challenged
I clearly demonstrated my excellent language skills on that day…
Unexpected Returns
Luckily this was from 10 years ago, and I feel like we have, collectively, gotten better about working while on vacation.
That Second Ask
Have you ever been caught pulling a weird face reacting to something in a meeting and then getting called out on it? Because I have.
Sorry, Bugs
Fun fact: what I call a “potato bug” is actually a “terrestial crustacean” in the family armadillidae – or maybe armadillidiidae. Or you can just call it a pill bug or roly poly.
Less Terrible
Inspired by an exchange that happened some years back. Surely we’ve percent-by-percented our way to better meetings by now, right?
LAMP Shade
This was based on a conversation overheard soooo many years ago
If It’s a Fast Platform
A throwback of a 2015 post-it comic in honor of upcoming May the Fourth.