Tag: Star Wars

  • The Star Wars Formula

    The Star Wars Formula

    I get it: George Lucas wasn’t sure he’d get to make more movies, so he condensed some of his epic story into Episode 4 and then did get to make Episodes 5 and 6, so the Death Star shows up again. What was Disney’s excuse for recycling stuff from earlier Star Wars movies?

  • Old Movies

    Old Movies

    This “I don’t watch old movies” response to Star Wars happened to a coworker after the Prequels had been made (and still years before the Sequels). I’m still surprised every time I learn that another of my kids’ classmates has never watched the original Star Wars trilogy. They’re not new releases, but they are classics.

  • If It’s a Fast Platform

    If It’s a Fast Platform

    A throwback of a 2015 post-it comic in honor of upcoming May the Fourth.