Tag: parenting

  • Change With The Times

    Change With The Times

    He was so sure he had caught me trying to trick him by giving him a different answer.

  • There’s Always Room for Cake

    There’s Always Room for Cake

    The deal is supposed to be: I eat the cake alone, out of sight, like some sneaky kitchen gremlin hiding my prey, and then I don’t have to share with the rest of the family. Foolproof.

  • Social Grilling

    Social Grilling

    We are glad to have the opportunity to talk with other parents, but I definitely need a minute to psych myself up for it.

  • The Bird

    The Bird

    The words left my mouth and it hit me: “wait, that did not sound right…”

  • Quiet Hours Fits

    Quiet Hours Fits

    We received a very sweet apology note in the morning from one of the other bunk rooms for their having re-created the Eras Tour during quiet hours. Somehow I didn’t notice that with everything going on in our own bunk room.

  • In-Vest-ed


    My spouse heard the elementary schooler start the “would you rather die in a fire” exchange but unfortunately did not hear the rest of it. We may never know what the real alternative option was, we can only be certain that they were contemplating death.

  • A Bear’s Gotta Do What a Bear’s Gotta Do

    A Bear’s Gotta Do What a Bear’s Gotta Do

    It’s sometimes a surprise what things will or will not disturb a child. Monster attacking in horror type show? Ah, she must be hungry. Ariel the little mermaid’s dad pitching a fit destroying her human-stuff collection in an animated rated-PG movie? Tears. Permanently scarred. We can never watch that movie again.

  • OJ Influencer

    OJ Influencer

    Haters gonna hate. Mini-cinnamon rolls gonna get juiced.

  • So Well-behaved!

    So Well-behaved!

    It’s nice to see her managing her brand so early.