Tag: One Company
One For All
Imagine how disappointing it is to find your team is responsible for an issue that’s not just affecting another internal team but also real customers.
That’s Our Line!
And to think that we put in so much effort to make sure we were never causing them any delays! Grrrr. Don’t get me started!
Who Cares
While the confidence in my team is great, we can’t just make up data from thin air – we do need to have something to work with.
That Second Ask
Have you ever been caught pulling a weird face reacting to something in a meeting and then getting called out on it? Because I have.
Anything Suspicious?
One of the big take-aways I got from a recent security training is that the reporting team is not there to judge me.
In the Dark of the Night
Thankfully this particular scenario happened some time ago and it’s less common now for another team to gleefully ignore the severity classifications.
If only they had pinged on that email thread about how blocked they were, we could have pointed to our original response so much sooner!
Stand In For Real
Just imagine how annoyed I am every time there’s an issue in that code.
Documented Pattern
How often are we supposed to read that stuff again after we implemented everything?
When Push Comes To Shove
There must be at least one person on the internal security team that’s really happy when a bad security incident happens if only because then they can get more folks to prioritize their hygiene efforts.