Tag: management overhead

  • The Important Stuff

    The Important Stuff

    Luckily, not much changes day-to-day for many of us with a given re-org. And I’m sure we wouldn’t impulsively burn our bridges – because experience tells us we may well be re-org’d back someday.

  • Agent of the Company

    Agent of the Company

    I’ve definitely heard plenty “what the fudge” type of last-moment language moderations.

  • Strongly Encouraged

    Strongly Encouraged

    So it’s not required, but here’s a report showing your team’s participation levels so you can feel bad about it quantitatively.

  • Zero Extra Capacity

    Zero Extra Capacity

    It’s times like these where my resolve really wavers between “doing the right thing” and “this would be so much easier if I just took care of it myself.”

  • Semester Planning Party

    Semester Planning Party

    Hey, I got a plan: how about we just wing it this time? No? *siiiiiiiiiiiigh*