Tag: age-appropriate

  • The Bird

    The Bird

    The words left my mouth and it hit me: “wait, that did not sound right…”

  • Old Movies

    Old Movies

    This “I don’t watch old movies” response to Star Wars happened to a coworker after the Prequels had been made (and still years before the Sequels). I’m still surprised every time I learn that another of my kids’ classmates has never watched the original Star Wars trilogy. They’re not new releases, but they are classics.

  • A Bear’s Gotta Do What a Bear’s Gotta Do

    A Bear’s Gotta Do What a Bear’s Gotta Do

    It’s sometimes a surprise what things will or will not disturb a child. Monster attacking in horror type show? Ah, she must be hungry. Ariel the little mermaid’s dad pitching a fit destroying her human-stuff collection in an animated rated-PG movie? Tears. Permanently scarred. We can never watch that movie again.