Category: kids

  • Quiet Hours Fits

    Quiet Hours Fits

    We received a very sweet apology note in the morning from one of the other bunk rooms for their having re-created the Eras Tour during quiet hours. Somehow I didn’t notice that with everything going on in our own bunk room.

  • Silver Linings

    Silver Linings

    Another verification that absence does make the heart grow fonder / they appreciate you more when you’re not there to hear it.

  • The First One’s Free

    The First One’s Free

    Was it a spirit? Was it a 4-dimensional being? Was it a trick? It was something, and clowns were involved.

  • Canadian State of Mind

    Canadian State of Mind

    I tried to look it up, and (just like in American English) I believe you could technically use “state” to mean “country” in England as well. It just feels so wrong here.

  • But Could You?

    But Could You?

    I’m sure the firefighters get these questions on their other fire station tours, too, right? It’s not just our girl scouts being…oddly specific.

  • In-Vest-ed


    My spouse heard the elementary schooler start the “would you rather die in a fire” exchange but unfortunately did not hear the rest of it. We may never know what the real alternative option was, we can only be certain that they were contemplating death.

  • A Bear’s Gotta Do What a Bear’s Gotta Do

    A Bear’s Gotta Do What a Bear’s Gotta Do

    It’s sometimes a surprise what things will or will not disturb a child. Monster attacking in horror type show? Ah, she must be hungry. Ariel the little mermaid’s dad pitching a fit destroying her human-stuff collection in an animated rated-PG movie? Tears. Permanently scarred. We can never watch that movie again.

  • OJ Influencer

    OJ Influencer

    Haters gonna hate. Mini-cinnamon rolls gonna get juiced.

  • Less is More

    Less is More

    Ah, the immediate realization that victory would be certain but hollow. An excellent life lesson.

  • Let Go Of Your Hate

    Let Go Of Your Hate

    This reminds me of how there was a time when my kids didn’t want to go down the hallway alone because they were worried a t-rex would be there. I’ve explained so many times that a t-rex wouldn’t fit inside the house, but logic only gets you so far when you’re talking about encountering creatures…