Month: April 2024

  • What’s Mine Is Yours

    What’s Mine Is Yours

    Ah, the satisfaction of being able to completely reverse someone’s argument and make it your own! UNO Reverse!

  • Zero Extra Capacity

    Zero Extra Capacity

    It’s times like these where my resolve really wavers between “doing the right thing” and “this would be so much easier if I just took care of it myself.”

  • But It’s Too Difficult!

    But It’s Too Difficult!

    The real argument was somewhat more nuanced than this.

  • That Story Fell Flat

    That Story Fell Flat

    The leg still acts up sometimes, so I now get the family referring to my “reindeer leg” as if I’ve got some sort of cool mutant reindeer power. Fun fact: reindeer have a cool mutant leg power where they make clicking sounds they can use to keep track of each other even in poor visibility…

  • Canadian State of Mind

    Canadian State of Mind

    I tried to look it up, and (just like in American English) I believe you could technically use “state” to mean “country” in England as well. It just feels so wrong here.

  • But Could You?

    But Could You?

    I’m sure the firefighters get these questions on their other fire station tours, too, right? It’s not just our girl scouts being…oddly specific.

  • In-Vest-ed


    My spouse heard the elementary schooler start the “would you rather die in a fire” exchange but unfortunately did not hear the rest of it. We may never know what the real alternative option was, we can only be certain that they were contemplating death.

  • The Pits

    The Pits

    I’m a big believer in the “pit of success”: make what you want to happen be the easiest thing to do. The opposite of this is the pit of despair: making wrong outcomes too easy or even inviting. Why even have the option there if you’re not supposed to use it?

  • I Didn’t Ask For Your Password Yet

    I Didn’t Ask For Your Password Yet

    It doesn’t matter how clearly labeled they are – if you have 2 text entry fields next to each other someone out there is going to mix them up.